Friday, June 26, 2015


     Hello nerds! I feel really bad because I was working on this really cool Espeon illustration that I was gonna post yesterday because of the  Pokémon eeveeloution challenge I got myself into, but I got distracted by a completely different project that I decided to work on instead. I just want to say that I apologize, but the Espeon will be delayed for a bit, but I do have a that other project that I decided to work on instead done.
     So instead of Espeon, I have this cute little Markiplier fan art thing that I did for nonstop in the course of 3 DAYS! For those of you who don't know who that is, Markiplier is a famous youtuber who does sketch-comedy and lets plays and has over 8 million subscribers. He also does charity live-stream events, so he's a super cool guy.
     Just to describe the picture a little bit, a while back, Mark posted pictures and videos of himself and his family's dog Lucy. I don't exactly know why I chose to do this, but I figured it would be cute and Markiplier fans would like it. So there you go! I hope this is an ok excuse for getting off track from my eeveeloution challenge, but I promise I will get back to that.
     If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to email me at Have a good one!

-Your Misfit
     Full Markiplier illustration

Close up of the illustration. (Notice the Tine Box Tim banana)

Actual picture of Markiplier and Lucy.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Week 1: Leafeon

     What's up, nerds? I have finished my first eeveeloution from the Pokémon challenge I started. So here is Leafeon. I am not terribly happy with it because if I gave myself more time for each eeveeloution, they would be a lot better, but I hope you enjoy it. I have already started on the next one, which will be Espeon because it was requested by a friend of mine.
     Well, I'm going to get back to work, but I will see you next week with a finished Espeon! If you have any questions, comments or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me at

-Your Misfit

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Hey fellow nerds! Today I'm gonna talk about Pokémon! Well, not really, but I do have something coming up that Pokémon fans may like. I have decided to try a Pokémon challenge and illustrate my own versions of the Eeveeloutions! So every week I will upload a new Eeveeloution illustration, in order of whichever one I decide to draw that week. This may be tough doing one illustration a week, but I am going to try my best and give YOU my best.
The reason why I decided on the Eeveeloutions, is because one of my absolute favorite Pokémon is Jolteon. I have already made an adorable realistic baby version of Jolteon just for fun, which I have posted below, but I will do another legitimate illustration of Jolteon later because I don't think this counts. Maybe when I'm done, I'll keep doing more Pokémon, but for now, let's just stick with Eeeveeloutions.
Well, I should be off. Let the Pokémon challenge begin!
Also, feel free to contact me with any suggestions, comments, or questions anytime at!

-Your Misfit
Baby Jolteon Illustration by Me!